who is mba chai wala | mba chai wala story | mba chai wala history |

Selling tea is a common thing and there is a tea seller found on every street and nookad in India, but the MBA chaiwala we are talking about today is very different from all these tea people. Now you must be thinking that what is so different about its tea that makes it different from other tea people.

The special thing about MBA chai is not in his tea but in his business. Because a tea stall that started from a simple has become a very good brand today. As of today, MBA Chai Wala has more than 100 outlets across India. And its turnover is 4 - 5 crores and net worth is 25 crores.

In such a situation, how did MBA tea become such a big brand from a tea stall.

And what is the business strategy that made it such a big business.


The name of this boy who started MBA Chai Wala is Prafull Billore, he belongs to well to do family of Uttar Pradesh. And he was very good at studying and he wanted to do MBA from some big college. For this, he also gave the entrance exam of CAT. But luck had something else approved and even after giving the exam 3 times, he could not clear the exam. Due to this and due to family pressure, he had to take admission in a private college in Ahmedabad.

But Praful was very clear that he did not want to do MBA or MBA from any big college. So he dropped out in 12 days without informing his parents. And to run his expenses, he started working as a waiter at McDonald's. His salary used to be only ₹ 37 per hour, but within a few months, on the basis of his ability, he became an assistant manager here.

The advantage of working at McDonald's was that he learned the basic skills of business and then that skill are used to further his tea business.

After working in McDonald's, Praful Bilore had understood yes that one can never become a big man by doing one's job and he thought that it is necessary to do some business. So after doing a lot of research, he realized that he should set up a tea stall.

So in 2017 he started MBA Chai Wala by setting up a tea stall and when he decided to set up his own tea stall then he knew that it would cost money to run the business and then both of them did not leave my job in it and here 9:00AM to 3:00PM Used to work in McDonald's and after that he used to set up his own tea stall and his parents did not know about his business so he did not ask for any financial support from his house. He put up his first tea stall in front of his favorite college IIM Ahmedabad.

Now he had set up a tea stall but in the beginning it was very difficult to run this tea stall, he had difficulty in taking orders from the customer and he did not even know how to make tea properly, but Praful Billore   did not give up in front of his shortcomings. and he himself told in one of his interviews that it took him 2 months to get the order from the customer and make the tea properly.

When he became comfortable with the customer and he also learned to make tea well, it did not take much time for him to grow and progressed fast and due to this, today in 5 years MBA Chaiwala has more than 100 outlets in India and their net worth is 25 crores.

Praful Billore comes from well to do family so why did he think of setting up a roadside tea stall here Why did you think of setting up a stall?

So its reason is that if Prafulla would have told about it at his home, his parents would never have given him permission, so that is why he kept this thing hidden from his family members for a long time and till then his family members would have to do the same. It seemed that he was doing MBA by staying in Ahmedabad.

So that's why Prafulla could not take any financial help from his home and he did not earn enough from McDonald's to start a big business, he had to start with a small business and a business which has less chance of failure. He decided to set up a tea stall.

So now the question comes that how the business started from a small tea stall has become such a big chain within 5 years and what is the state thing that makes this business so successful today.

To make any business successful, it is very important to have hard work, right vision and positive thinking, and all this was already present in Praful Billore.


You all must have heard that first impression is the last impression Praful did the same thing about this, then Praful always used to wear good clothes and then used to come there to make and sell tea, if everyone around would see him, then the same thing would go on in his mind. Why is this boy selling tea? And here Strategy was doing very well and Praful knew very well how to approach the customer, this thing he learned from McDonald's

Vehicles did not wait for the customers by sitting at the stalls like tea vendors. He himself used to go to the customer and take the order and the customer who came to his tea stall for the first time used to give his first tea free of cost and at the same time he used to talk to the customer in English and the customer would be surprised that a tea seller is good. How can I talk in English?

Praful was very good at talking, so those who used to come to his tea stall used to be very impressed with him and even many people used to go to his install to talk to him. Such was the fact that MBA Chaiwala was always crowded. When his business was going very slow, he organized indoor and outdoor games like cricket ludo etc. And on this pretext people used to drink his tea and through these strategies MBA Chaiwala got a lot of popularity. And soon after seeing their sales started touching the sky.

In 2020, he started the franchise model to do his business and within 2 years MBA Chaiwala spread all over India.

So how did MBA Chai Wala get the name MBA Chai Wala Many people know that Praful wanted to do MBA so that's why he named his friend as MBA Chai Wala but it is not so that he had earlier named his brand as Mr. Billore but When people heard his MBA story, his name started becoming famous among the people as MBA Chaiwala and then he changed his name to MBA Chaiwala.

So the future plan of Praful is that he has 100 outlets in India now and Prafulla wants to double them in next 1 year that means he wants to make 200 outlets so that's why he is opening 10 to 15 outlets every month. And it is his dream that MBA Chaiwala becomes a global brand.

Xhubham xemwal

This is xhubham xemwal, Blogger, Entrepreneur, Mechanical Engineer


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